
Wednesday 21 November 2018

Read Theory - Progress

Today LS2 have been making the graph that shows our Read Theory Progress. We have shown the progress from 2017 and 2018. From the start of the year I started on grade 6. Currently I am at grade 8. This has been a big improvement.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Book Bar Graph - What Makes A Book Boring?

Today we have been gathering information about what make a book boring. We joined as a class and rotated around the room answering questions on a paper. We would then use Google spread sheet and create a graph, showing what makes a book boring. We have found out that most people find a book boring due to the unattractive pictures and Vocabulary. 

Wednesday 14 November 2018

WW1 Who Were The Allied Forces?

Today we have been learning more about WW1. We have listed many questions we would like to figure out. Our main question was, who were the allied forces? This question was something our group talked about, and was something we could agree with to have a understanding to our answer. 

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Length & Width Of Book

This week is Book Challenge Week. Me and Junior have decided to create a DLO on the width and length of a book. We have chosen three random books and measured them. We have noticed that each book has 19cm of length.

A Setting From A Book

This week is Book Challenge Week. We have been given a task list to do. We have decided to complete a task where we have to redesign a setting in our book. Me and my partner Dallas have decided to redesign the theme park from the book Diary Of A Minecraft Zombie.

Alphabet Key - Author

Alphabet Key - Author

A - Anthony Horowitz
B - Bible
C - Captain Underpants
D - Dr. Seuss
E - Extreme Survival
F - Freak Street
G - Goosebumps
H - Hairy Maclary
I - Infinity Ring
J - Jack and the Beanstalk.
K - Katie and the sunflowers
L - Liz Pichon
M - Mary and the mouse, The Mouse and Mary
N - Noisy Nora
O - One piece
P - The Perfect Princess
Q - Quiet Night
R - Roald Dahl
S - Spiderwick
T - Tom gates
U - Uncle Scrooge
V - V for Vendetta
W - William Taylor
X - X men
Y - Yawn
Z - Zeke Meeks

This week we have been given a task list to do with our partner. We have to complete a task and blog it. We decided to choose the alphabet key because we have many knowledge on this. We had to write author's names or a book title.

Reading Journey

Today we have created a DLO on the books we loved reading during school. We have chosen six books to show our reading journey and a description of why we loved the book. I have chosen : The Very Hungry Caterpillar, I Spy, Tashi, Goosebumps, Captain Underpants and Tom Gates. When I was three my favorite book use to be The Very Hungry Caterpillar. But know my favorite book series is Tom Gates, a comedy and adventure book.

Friday 9 November 2018

Armistice Day Commemoration

Today Panmure Bridge held a commemoration for Armistice Day since it is on Sunday. Armistice day which is every year on November the 11th to mark and remember the sign between the Allies of World War 1 and when the gun fell silent. We celebrate this to remember those who fought for their country during World War  We were lucky to have a member from the NZ Defense Force. During this commemoration we I read the pray at the start of the commemoration, Tiava and Jeremiah (head boy and head girl) read the oath, and Ms Kirkpatrick (deputy principal) read In Flanders Field. During the commemoration we were silent for a minute to remember the soldiers who died during World War 1. There was also 3 olive tree to represent the past, present, and future. We also played the Last Post which is where we were silent for a minute. After our commemoration we had the member from the NZ defense fore speak to us. I learnt that we he was 19 he went to Afghanistan to help out the citizens of Afghanistan by looking after the schools, kids, and also the roads.